The information below is about the most importants details in our proposal and how to join the Magazine.

For futher questions, please, don't hesitate to ask us by email to  or using the form down below.

About us

Top3 Magazine is an online project operating since May 2020 and based in Barcelona. It is a magazine format website offering you informative, journalistic and literary content.

A place to find, read and enjoy any kind of articles, updated news, personal opinions, interviews, reports, narrative essays or even poems.

In short, a place to express yourself, inform, analyze and share content with a 'glocal' point of view.

Why is it interesting?

Because Top3 Magazine is not just about that. We have also wanted to turn this space into the opportunity to make money doing what you like the most.

The perfect place for copywriters, content creators, content writers, journalists, writers who want to develop their work without restrictions, deadlines or delivery schedules and ratios.

You do write whatever you want, whenever you want, and once it's posted, we make it to work as a 'product' to generate your own profits.

In short, to merge our experiences, skills and knowledge to monetize texts of any kind.

How does it work?

In Top3 Magazine there are about 20 categories on which you can write about politics, culture, business, cinema, fashion, travel, video games, celebrities, internet, books, sports, personal opinion, etc.

Feel free to write about whatever you want and, in case the topic choosed by you does not fit into any category, we can create it.

Top3 Magazine 10 recommendations:

  • You can write in the language you want as long as you have a good enough command of it. Every language counts exactly the same when it comes to calculate your profits.
  • We do not accept translations.
  • The perfect text length would be between 2000-2400 words. Longer or shorter is not a big beal, but try to keep this idea in mind.
  • It is important to write and send your texts without spelling mistakes and well written. There are free online tools that can help you.
  • You will not be able to add rich text, highlights, lists, images, etc. Only plain text with paragraphs.
  • Not very long sentences and 6-10 lines paragraphs preferably.
  • You will be able to upload your text from a Word file or text file (Wordpad).
  • If your work strategy is to pick from other texts, it's ok, but please, be sure it is not more than a 10-15% of the whole text. Again, there are free online tools can help you out.
  • Of course, articles you write must be 100% original and should not have been published online neither offline.

We check every text out ensuring that it meet the conditions above. Otherwise the text will be returned.

In case you decide to make an interview, the interviewed person should sign and send to us this document.

The rights of articles are reserved to the Magazine since it is the only way to protect them against duplication and/or reproduction.

However, we will be glad to add your name and photo along with your articles under your requirement.

Feel free to share your articles with your friends in social networks at any moment by using the link available.

How do I earn and how much?

There is no number of articles per week or per month that you must deliver.

Simply, the more you write, the more visits the Magazine will get so the higher profit you will get too.

Your texts always(1) count and, once posted, they never stop to generate your profits.

All the collaborators share the 40%(2) of the total profits that the Magazine earns from its affiliate programs and/or from advertising, selling products and/or services.

How do I win a prize?

Now, you can win one HUAWEI SWIFT GREY backpack which approximate retail value is $30 or one HUAWEI FREEBUDS 3I earphones which approximate retail value is $100.

  1. Send us an original article of yours
  2. Get +100 unique visits in a month
  3. And win these incredibles prizes!

Follow us on Facebook - Twitter to stay informed.


(1) We could decide, at any moment, another different period of time that we will let you know in advance.

(2) We have it temporarily increased from 40% to 100%.

At the beginning of each month, you will be able to check out your own profits by entering into your private area.

Top3 Magazine does not pay per article, nor per number of words nor a salary.

I want to start now!

Only your name and email are needed to start publishing your articles. Nothing else.

Of course, it is totally free and no more personal information will be required.

Start Now Writing!

This proposal is also for video or and graphic content creators. 

For further questions, please, send us your email to . We will respond you as soon as possible.


Top3 Magazine.

Answer Proposal